As much as I love myself being
curvy and
...As much as I love to eat (and I live in a country where food is FAB!)...
...I need to lose a few kilos!!!
Sometimes I got breathless and climbing stairs is a pain. My knees hurt if I stay stand-up for long time (like when I iron for two or more hours).
Last year I have lost 14 kg by regularly exercising and dieting. I was so happy to find clothes more easily and felt more active and fit.
Then I got back 6kg during winter (too much stress at work and a bit of swinging mood so need of comfort food).
I have given up the gym for cost savings (one of the reason I need to save money is
here) and running outdoor is no likely to happen (traffic/pollution/lack of mates).

I was thinking at a tapis roulant or a cyclette...
Have you seen this fancy one
(called Cyclotte)?
But being on your own it is not that encouraging.
I guess my weakness right now is comfort food and eating when you don't feel hungry, plus like of motivation to excercise...
Anyway, I need to get back on track and behave properly.
Lose a few kilos and keep my lovely curves!

Please support me on pursuing my target of losing
10 KG!!!

suggestions, tips, ideas, recipes, anything you can share is welcome!