I have dedicated the entire weekend to ironing (watching SATC 2 just released on DVD --->
let me tell you that the movie in its original language is waaaay more nice then in Italian), cooking, cuddling Paolo. We had a walk under the snow, but everyone around was crazy for Xmas shopping.

Here are some pictures of what I cooked (not that we had the whole stuff!). Sometimes I do enjoy cooking many dishes at time and then have them all over the week or frozen them. With our busy life is so helpful to have something ready when you come back home hungry and it’s already 20.00…and I am not keen on supermarket readymade dishes, I’d rather cook by myself.

Let me tell you what I made:
1) My mum used to call them
‘uccellini’ (=little birds) when I was little. It’s just turkey breast, s/p, a slice of ham, some cheese (I used Grana here) and a tea spoon per each ‘uccellino’ of pickle (basically, a sort of chutney made of raisins, fruit, onion, it taste like sweet&sour, very nice combination with meat).
I’ve cooked them in a non sticky pan, with little olive oil, s/p, one cup of broth and some Marsala wine added when half cooked.

2) Bruxelles sprouts: I have removed the not-cute (!) leafs, discard the base and carve the button. I’ve cooked them in a non-sticky pan with butter, broth, s/p and some sweet paprika: delicious!
3) Broccoletti: When ready I seasoned with some s/p and good olive oil, nothing more.
4) Pumpkin soup. First time I’ve try it. Potatoes, onion, pumpkin, s/p, olive oil, some broth. (we usually have veggie soups at dinner in winter or I have it at lunch at work especially on Monday, when the office is particularly cold)

5) The apple pie!! We cook this pie around 8.00 pm, just after dinner. I got the recipe (try it, is delicious!) from my lovely blogger friend
Anna (see her blogs
here and
here). As the recipe is in Italian, let me translate it for you:

4 apples cut into chunks (I used Golden Apple)
150gr of brown sugar for the cake
1 table spoon of sugar to caramelised the apples
25gr of butter
1 egg
1 cup of olive or sunflower oil
half cup of thinned slices almonds
300gr of flour
1 tablespoon of yeast
Peel the applesand cut them into chunks. In a non-sticky pan caramelise 25gr of butter with 1 tbs of sugar then add the apples and cook them till soften (now can add the cinnamon. I didn’t as I do not like it that much).
Aside, mix together almonds, flour, sugar, oil and egg in a bowl. If the mixture is too thick, add some milk. Then add the yeast.
Pour the mixture into a cake pan (I use the 26cm one) and gently add on top the apples (without the liquid). Cook it into the oven at 175° for 45-60 minutes.

Try it when it is still a bit warm:
Tips: next time I won’t adding almonds as you cannot really taste them (and the cake will be lighter in calories). I lined the cake pan with non-sticky paper just in case… Perfect for breakfast with some hot milk&coffee,
*gnam*! do you have any recipe with apple you’d like to share???