Sunday, more time to cook (which I really enjoy!), so I am putting more effort on cooking something nice for HIM and friends.
I had a couple of friends at dinner and I decided to have a ‘Mediterranean’ dinner. Having little time to cook, I decided to do make this Fast Stuffed Aubergines that will take very little time to make.
Ingredients2 large or 4 small aubergines weighing about 750g/1lb10oz total
150g/5oz minced beef and chicken
30g/2½oz emmenthal cheese
100g/4oz breadcrumbs
10 spoons of tomatoes sauce
2tsp parsley and oregano
1 egg
2 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper
MethodPreheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6
Wash carefully and cut each aubergines lengthways, through the stalks if possible. With a small sharp knife scoop out the flesh, leaving a shell about 1cm thick. Chop the aubergine flesh into very small dice.
Sprinkle the aubergines shells with salt and put them upside down in a plate in order to let out the sour water contained on the aubergines and avoid them being too wet.
In a medium mixing bowl, combine the aubergine flesh, breadcrumbs, the cheese into small dices and the mince into a mixture. Add the minced beef and break it up with the wooden spoon.
Add the egg and make sure all is very well amalgamated. This is best done with the hands.
Note: when it comes to dinner, I prefer cooking a lighter version of every recipe, just to avoid my guests feeling stuffed themselves and also to keep an eye on calories (!).
If you would like to make this dish more ‘rich’, I would suggest to add to the filling a few sliced black olives, a small carrot, a small onion and a glove of garlic finely chopped (make sure HIM would eat this dish otherwise the goodnight kiss STRONLGY not recommended).
The mixture should be a little wet but not sloppy or runny - if it is, add more breadcrumbs and/or cheese. Season.
Fill the aubergine shells with the mixture and flatten the top.

Top every aubergine with a spoon or two of tomato sauce and sprinkle with the some parmesan cheese (or use any medium hard cheese you have).
If you want, you can sprinkle with a tablespoon of fresh breadcrumbs the aubergines.

Place the aubergines in a ovenproof dish and bake for 30-40 minutes. Flash under a hot grill for 3 minutes until the topping is brown and crisp. Leave to cool for 5-10 minutes before serving.
Tip: I like the filling mixture to be cut roughly to have a better taste of each ingredient. Some people may bake the aubergines shalles’ first, but I prefer cooking all together as the whole flavours will amalgamated better.
What else on the menu?
Homemade potatoes bread, a green salad, boiled Venere rice (black rice), sweet and sour warm carrots and apple loaf.
Wine: Chardonnay

Would you like to try my recipe?
How did it go?
I will be happy to hear from you!