Removing it to wear it?

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

We torture ourselves with hot wax, dreadful razors, expensive laser, painful plucking, all in the name of a smooth, soft, feminine skin. This is our battle against unwanted hair. Money, time and patience are profusely spend in the pursuit of a perfect, lovely skin.

Now I am asking myself and YOU: why do we wear fur then?
Why cover or carry someone else unnecessary hair?
Please do not answer saying fur keeps you warm more than anything else….
Nowadays, technology has done wonders and there are plenty of warm and lighter fabrics, cheaper than fur....

Ci torturiamo con cera bollente, taglienti rasoi, costosissimi laser, dolorose pinzette nel nome di una pelle liscia, morbida e femminile. E' la nostra battaglia contro i peli superflui. Soldi, tempo e pazienza vengono spesi a profusione alla ricerca della pelle perfetta.

Quindi chiedo a me stessa e a VOI soprattutto: perché indossiamo capi in pelliccia?
Perché coprirci o portarci in giro i peli superflui di qualcun’altro?
Per favore non rispondete che le pellicce tengo molto caldo.
Oggigiorno la tecnologia ha fatto miracoli e ci sono moltissimi tessuti caldi, leggeri, e meno cari delle pellicce....

D&G Miss Sicily


  1. I love faux fur. I own several pieces girl! I have never owned a real fur and never plan to. I believe that God made animals for our, clothing, etc. but to kill animals just to strip off their fur and make a fashion statement is just wrong! I do think that people have gone overboard with fur! Great post! Kiah

  2. I am absolutely with you, and being a vegetarian i don´t think I could wear another animal skni on mine, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
    You are so right and so funny.I am sharing your post in tweeter and facebook.

  3. You have a lot of great styling tips and ideas here on your blog! I agree, I am not a fan of fur, which is why I love Stella Mccartney so much :)

    xx, Ally

  4. loved this..i dislike fur on anyone..well put!!

  5. We totally agree on what you're saying! We should not kill animals just for the sake of their skin or furs! Very well said! Very nice post!

    Much love from the SABO SKIRT girls!



  6. I like fur collars, then it depends, if it's fake it's ok... I don't like it on the shoes though...

  7. p.s. carina la foto con Carlà... l'ahi fatta a qualche evento o sei andata a uno dei suoi incontri-academy??

  8. Cool pictures.
    I like your blog!

  9. la pelliccia fa subito così... expensive! :D

  10. I don't have an issue with vintage furs. It's a shame to waste things that produced ages ago, but I don't think it is necessary to be creating new fashion with real fur.

    Maria @ Orchard Bloom

  11. I had faux fur on my mind yesterday too, such a cute look when you know how to combine it.

  12. I see what do you mean now....
    I shall stop waxing then :-)

  13. questo post è geniale, me l'ero perso! Gilet di pelliccia? E poi la bellissima borsa in pelliccia perchè così il notebook resta al caldo! =)=)
    Anche io non le capisco certe cose, anche per esempio i maglioni collo alto senza maniche!!
