That amazing thing called 'Friendship'

Friday, 18 November 2011

Last night I spent 3 hours on the phone catching up with friends. We talk about work, future plans, gossip and left being so happy, inspired and with this amazing feeling of being every time more close to each other, supportive and helpful (all of us three are currently living far away from our families and closest friends).

Nowadays everyone rush around to the office, the kids, a boyfriend, the gym, some shopping, events, families parties, etc.
Do you have time to cultivate friendship? How much time to you spend with YOUR friends? Which feelings these friendships are rewarding you with?
I’d love to hear from you.

Ieri sera sono stata al telefono con delle amiche per ben 3 ore. Abbiamo parlato di lavoro, progetti futuri, spettegolato e ci siamo sentite tutte più felici, ispirate e con questa sensazione di essere ogni volta più vicine l’una all’altra, contando sempre più sull'aiuto e il supporto dell'altra(tutte tre abitiamo lontane dalle nostre famiglie e amici più cari).

Oggigiorno corriamo tutti tra ufficio, figli, il fidanzato, la palestra, lo shopping, gli eventi e i ritrovi di famiglia.
Trovate comunque il tempo per mantenere i contatti con gli amici? Quando tempo dedicate alle VOSTRE amicizie? Che emozioni vi avvolgono dal coltivare queste amicizie?
Mi farebbe piacere conoscere le vostre opinioni


  1. I try to spend a few hours a week catching up with girlfriends. They are as important to me as the air I breath! I have rituals with some (weekly coffee dates) and with others we just make plans when we are both free (girls night out!) but I always always make time for them! xoxox

  2. Not as much time as I would love unfortunately but I think friendship is something that needs to be cherished and taken care of for sure!
    I love spending time with my girls. If only you lived a bit closer..... 2012 right, girl?

  3. It's nice that you have friends close to you. Mine are hundred miles away, I miss them so much.

  4. I am sooooooooooo glad to have you back on borad, my dear Ylenia.
    Have you filled the form???

  5. how pretty, really love it!
    xx the cookies
    share the feeling
    visit <3

  6. Hi,

    I was looking for some interesting blog to follow and found yours! =)
    I hope you can visit and follow mine too! Here's my link

    see you!


  7. I've had the luck to stay friends with one of my best friends from high school. Even though he lives in London, when we see each other it's just like we saw each other the day before. Unfortunately I don't spent a lot of time with my closest friends as we all live hours a part. But thank God for skype and having online friends too.
